Aria is a free application (iOS and Android) that blends digital content with real images.

Our goal is to revolutionize communication by simplifying access to augmented reality for both users and institutions, brands, events and content creators.

Forget the old social networks and set out to conquer the reality that surrounds you! Aria puts her legs to digital and brings attention back to the world around us by putting human experience and relationship back at the center.

AR skate ale giorgini

Adding a digital level to reality revolutionizes the very idea of the world we have by opening up infinite possibilities: seeing the trailer of the film you are interested in directly on the poster at the bus stop, in the newspaper or on a billboard. And see a different one every day because the digital content can be changed at any time! Find a video of assembly instructions directly on the product packaging or enjoy the video clip of your favorite artist from the cover of his album. See the spaghetti making process directly on the packaging, or the video of the resort you would like to go to from the agency window.

AR skate ale giorgini

All without expensive additional devices but directly from your smartphone simply with a gesture, framing an image. The information dispersed today in the digital prairie of the web thanks to Aria you can easily find it where it belongs: in the real world.Our goal is to revolutionize communication by simplifying access to augmented reality for both users and institutions, brands, events and content creators. Forget the old social networks and set out to conquer the reality that surrounds you! Aria puts her legs to digital and brings attention back to the world around us by putting human experience and relationship back at the center.